Make use of your private health insurance

In case of injury or pain related symptoms the osteopathic personal training can be used as a normal intervention of rehabilitation. This means that those who has a reference for OSTEOPATHIC TREATMENT can use it for training if preferred.

Keep in mind that this offer has to be used in agreement between the therapist and the klient.



Can I mix between manual treatment and physical training?

Yes. If this is viewed as a good approach to you symptoms.

Which insurances cover osteopathy?

The following link will tell you if your insurance coveres part the treatment:

If you are still in doubt, try calling your insurance and ask them.


Is the intire price of the treatment covered?

Most insurances coveres part of the price. Normally between 500-650 DKK. Remember to read your insurance letter toroughly before your first consultation.

+45 24220065

3400 Hillerød Danmark